As homeowners and business owners begin clean up from the effects of Hurricane Matthew, some important lessons may be appearing. These lessons cover a wide range of topics, and while they may not all apply to every person, we can, perhaps, better prepare for the next big storm. And, there will be a next big storm, at some point in time. At Quantum Floors, we have a few ideas of our own that we will share here. However, first, take a look at this story we saw recently about how one man learned something important from what appeared to be a small matter.?
?After weathering Hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Wilma, landlord Jeff Green thought he was prepared to protect his properties against the next storm. Then Matthew menaced, and Green realized he wasn?t as ready as he believed. His storm panels were so disorganized that he had to fire up his metal saw to tailor a few of them. And his wing nuts disintegrated as he attempted to affix shutters with them.?
Shutter maintenance. How many people think to maintain their shutters during the year? Not as many as we might suppose. We bring this up because a broken shutter can lead to a broken window that in turn can lead to severe damage to flooring and other parts of the home or business. Water flowing into a building will damage virtually all types of flooring, and when it comes to hardwood flooring, West Palm Beach, FL has many homes that have wood floors. Standing water and wood flooring do not get along well together. This can also be said of other types of flooring such as carpet or laminate. But, water can be especially damaging to solid wood floors, as these flooring systems tend to absorb water and that can lead to swelling, buckling, and warping of the planks.
Therefore, something as simple as keeping your shutters operational throughout the year is a good lesson for all of us to learn. There are, of course, many other lessons we can learn from Matthew, but this one seems truly important, as it can prevent a lot of damage to the hardwood flooring West Palm Beach, FL is home to.
If you have suffered flooring damage to your home or business, we invite you to visit with us at Quantum Floors. We have showrooms in Palm Beach Gardens and Boynton Beach, FL. When you do, you will find that we have some of the very best flooring systems on the market today, and that we also carry the quality hardwood flooring West Palm Beach, FL homeowners and business owners are looking for these days.

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